The Ultimate Kashmir with Leh Ladakh Adventure: From the Serenity of Srinagar to the Majesty of Leh - Domestic

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The Ultimate Kashmir with Leh Ladakh Adventure: From the Serenity of Srinagar to the Majesty of Leh 4.5

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Embark on the ultimate 10-day adventure that weaves together the exquisite beauty of Kashmir and the rugged majesty of Leh Ladakh. This journey transcends mere travel, offering an immersive experience that spans from the serene landscapes of Srinagar to the awe-inspiring grandeur of Leh, with a captivating detour through Kargil.

Your adventure commences in Srinagar, where the tranquil Dal Lake and Mughal gardens create a serene ambiance. Navigate through the charming houseboats and indulge in the local culture that is woven into every corner of the city.

As you venture to Kargil, you'll tread through landscapes that echo the tales of history. This town holds stories of valor and resilience, serving as a poignant reminder of the region's past.

Continuing your odyssey, cross into Leh Ladakh, a realm often referred to as the "Land of High Passes." Traverse through awe-inspiring passes like Fotu La and Namika La, each offering panoramic vistas that stretch to infinity.

Explore the enigmatic monasteries perched on cliffs, a testament to the spiritual devotion that resonates in the region. Engage with the local culture, witness traditional ceremonies, and interact with the welcoming Ladakhi people.

From the serene Pangong Lake, with its ever-changing colors, to the ancient city of Leh, you'll encounter an array of landscapes that mirror the essence of Ladakh.

Concluding your journey, you'll realize that this adventure transcends the physical landscapes. It's an expedition that immerses you in the beauty, history, and spirituality of the region. This 10-day odyssey is an ode to the pristine beauty of Kashmir and the majestic grandeur of Leh Ladakh

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Trip Information

  • Name : The Ultimate Kashmir with Leh Ladakh Adventure: From the Serenity of Srinagar to the Majesty of Leh
  • Location : 61
  • Type: Domestic
  • Price: Rs.36999

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